What is the REPDEV Network?

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This is the first post in the following series:

Presenting the REPDEV Network

  1. What is the REPDEV Network?
  2. The REPDEV Network Eco Transformation Strategy
  3. The REPDEV Network Operating System

The abbreviation REPDEV means Reputation Economy Promotion, Development, Exploration, and Vitalization. So, the purpose of the REPDEV Network is so create a reputation economy and then help it to really flourish. But what is a reputation economy in the first place?

What is a reputation economy?

While there are many ways to define a reputation economy, ...

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The Prismatic Principles: Ideal Interactions Between Sentient Beings

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I was wondering about our treatment of non-human animals. There’s such a wide range of interactions with them, from keeping them as pets, using them as consumable commodity, to destroying their habitats. What would be the right thing to do? How to deal with pets and wild animals? I found it hard to answer those questions.

Then I was reminded of a really surprisingly effective method for resolving such tough issues: The principle based approach which was often successfully used to ...

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