Why Reputation Economies are The Next Big Thing

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Hereby I pronounce that reputation economies will be the next big paradigm that furthers economic and societal progress. Why do I think that? Because I claim that reputation economies are a natural solution to a big economic problem that is increasingly explosive political issue: That of copyright and intellectual property. At least since the arrival of smartphones we have ...

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New Profile

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Here’s a description of me that fits on one (reasonably large) page and focuses on all the really important and interesting stuff:

I’m a utilitarian philosopher. As philosopher I want to explore the nature of reality. That has motivated me to study mathematics and physics, in addition to their general usefulness. As utilitarian it is my wish to increase the happiness of all sentient beings dramatically and abolish involuntary suffering as far as possible. This requires a world in which ...

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Quantified Prestige – A Brief Introduction

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I’m feeling the need to write something about the hybrid reputation/money system called Quantified Prestige I’m working on. Even though the full documentation of Quantified Prestige has been online for quite some time, I haven’t announced it publicly on this blog, yet. So, I’m doing that now.

Quantified Prestige is a system that can be used for building a full-fledged reputation based economy. At the moment it is only a theoretical system, as I’m still haven’t finished its first software ...

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The Prismatic Principles: Ideal Interactions Between Sentient Beings

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I was wondering about our treatment of non-human animals. There’s such a wide range of interactions with them, from keeping them as pets, using them as consumable commodity, to destroying their habitats. What would be the right thing to do? How to deal with pets and wild animals? I found it hard to answer those questions.

Then I was reminded of a really surprisingly effective method for resolving such tough issues: The principle based approach which was often successfully used to ...

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A Typology of Post-Singularity Minds

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How might the far future look like? That’s a question that’s intriguing me quite a lot. Science fiction movies and TV series might present some interesting ideas and concepts, but there’s certainly more to the future than such media can show. Some science fiction novels do present some plausible and fascinating scenarios. I’m most interested in visions that involve artificial general ...

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The Power Accumulation Problem

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Last year, I haven’t worked a lot on my stories. I was rather busy finding out what’s the problem with me and how to become more effective. It turned out that the main problem was that I didn’t get enough sleep. Really, I feel rather silly for not having realized that much earlier.

Anyway, I have been thinking about the main problems we (humanity, life on Earth) face in the near and distant future. There are some technical problems like the ...

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Utopia vs. Drama

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Initially, I made this site for presenting my science fiction stories and some related philosophical ideas. I wanted to update the blog with new versions of my drafts, but I found it more convenient not to upload every intermediate stage of my stories and only present finished stories. Unfortunately, finishing stories takes a lot of time.

There’s one particular problem which makes it rather difficult for me to write the science fiction stories I’m thinking about in an appealing way. As ...

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Added Exaltation Dominance Page

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Exaltation Dominance is a project I started after beginning Da Vinci Omega: Perturbation. It is intended to be a story with two parts. The first part depicts the first seven days, while the second part is supposed to show the further development of the world. Somehow I faced a writer’s block in day 3, so only the first two days and the very beginning of day 3 are now available for download on the Exaltation Dominance page.

Currently I’m working ...

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Added Da Vinci Omega Page

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I’ve just added a page for the Da Vinci Omega series. Now the frist old version of the beginning of the first part of Perturbation is avaiable as 17 pages long pdf file. I decided to use the Creative Commons license with Attribution and Share Alike. Actually it’s about a year ago that I have started writing that story. In the meantime I started my other projects that were also prone to the “I can’t finish anyth…”-problem. ...

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Status Report

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Perhaps it is a good idea to tell you what’s my current status with writing the three stories I mentioned before. Anyway, everything I have written is pretty alpha and unpolished. It might be easier for me to write in German, because I live in Germany, but I have found that the English language is much better suited for writing singularity related fiction (like Orion’s Arm for example), because it’s a bit easier to invent new words for the ...

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